32nd Sayfol Annual Games

Mar 26, 2017 | Events & Activities, In the Classroom

Sports Day 2017

The much awaited Sayfol Annual Games was held on Saturday 25th March 2017 @Kompleks Sukan Negara Setiawangsa. The air was filled with excitement as students walked in with their parents. The fantastic turnout coupled with the excellent weather got the children into a sportive mood. The day began with the Head Prefect leading the school parade with Sayfol’s magnificent marching band following behind her. The participants of the five sports houses Shamrock, Marigold, Clover, Violet and Tulip did the lap of honour around the track. A performance by our primary students showcasing the theme “For Sports, For the Children”, kept our audience feet tapping. The cheerleading and drill team set the competitive tone for the rest of the day. Once the races began, the stadium was filled with cheering and tons of encouragement from their house teachers and athletes. The tug-of-war was one of the main highlights of the day to determine the winner of the final pull. Tulip House from the secondary and Marigold House for the Primary emerged winners for the tug-of-war. The Sports Girl and Sports Boy challenge trophies were awarded to Cempaka Ixora and Wina Mwamba of Marigold, both being Year 7 students. The stadium filled with a thunderous roar when Marigold house was announced champions of the 32nd Sayfol Games!

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Sayfol Stories

Ali Reza Parpei
Entrepreneurship has been instilled in me through the lessons I took during my time at Sayfol. I understood the fundamentals ...
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Ali Reza Parpei
Trainer and Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship has been instilled in me through the lessons I took during my time at Sayfol. I understood the fundamentals of economics and business through experienced teachers.
Ali Reza Parpei
Ali Reza Parpei
Trainer and Entrepreneur
Qistina Binti Yusoff
I have studied within the walls of Sayfol since 2008, the year I entered Year 1. In the years following that, Sayfol ...
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Qistina Binti Yusoff
I have studied within the walls of Sayfol since 2008, the year I entered Year 1. In the years following that, Sayfol has taught me invaluable lessons of friendship through the students and teachers I have met and become acquainted with. The jovial bouts of laughter we enjoyed in lessons that were altogether too tense for growing minds, hung on joy. Leadership, during my period serving the Prefectorial Board of our school and through my efforts and opportunities granted to me, becoming Deputy Head Prefect. I daresay my school has been more receptive to talent, creativity and positivity, and I am grateful to all the teachers for upholding the Sayfol crest; Ms. Zuraidah, my Prefect Teacher, Mrs. Chandran (who always scared my friends and I a bit, all in good humor) and of course, Mrs. K, the ever watchful eagle-eye who ensures the growth of all the students. Without them, would I be with my 7A*s? I should think not!
Qistina Binti Yusoff
Qistina Binti Yusoff
Rishi George Lawrence
I have been here since kindergarten and over the years, I have seen so many changes. From the...
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Rishi George Lawrence
I have been here since kindergarten and over the years, I have seen so many changes. From the countless teachers who have come and gone to the friends I have made and lost. Most of all, I have seen myself change within the walls of this school. I feel that’s what this school is all about. Being in Sayfol International School is not just about academic learning, but to find the people you need to help you change. This school provides (most of the time) an environment just for that. A hotpot of different people; among them, friends who could help better you. I’m thankful to have found my best friends around the world. I have so many memories, moments and milestones that I’ve experienced and lived in this school, and it is bittersweet to say goodbye for now.
Rishi George Lawrence
Rishi George Lawrence
Mr. Prasad & Mrs. Hrutuja Ghosalkar
While the whole world is emotionally and economically dealing with the trouble of COVID – 19, we sincerely appreciate...
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Mr. Prasad & Mrs. Hrutuja Ghosalkar
Parents of student in Primary 3
While the whole world is emotionally and economically dealing with the trouble of COVID – 19, we sincerely appreciate every single effort from the school’s management to ensure the continued learning support to all of their students and the professional way that all this contingency has been managed so far. Since Day 01 of this MCO, all the teachers and school’s management have exhibited such phenomenal planning to deliver the best in class virtual schooling experience to the students and their parents.
Mr. Prasad & Mrs. Hrutuja Ghosalkar
Mr. Prasad & Mrs. Hrutuja Ghosalkar
Parents of student in Primary 3
Jieun Park
Thank you for providing us with so many opportunities that got us to explore the new world. Most importantly...
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Jieun Park
Thank you for providing us with so many opportunities that got us to explore the new world. Most importantly, thank you for never giving up on me. I would like to thank all the teachers who dedicated themselves to help us achieve our dreams and goals. It has been a privilege to have all of you as our teachers. You took the time to explain assignments and new topics, sometimes repeatedly because we weren’t paying attention. You allowed us to come to you during school lunch time and break time for extra help when you could rest and enjoy yourself. I will never forget those sweet and sour days that we’ve spent with you. Those are our precious memories and it will always remain fresh in our minds. Thank you very much dear teachers and administration officers, who helped me with my application for the Harvard Summer programme, where I met a lot of friends and professors. I am deeply grateful to everyone for giving me the honour of being your Head Prefect, student and friend and for all the support and, indeed, the joy you have given me.
Jieun Park
Jieun Park
Arikhat, Valedictorian
Sayfol throughout the years has been a place for everlasting memories to be made. Be it amazing teachers that...
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Arikhat, Valedictorian
Sayfol throughout the years has been a place for everlasting memories to be made. Be it amazing teachers that I miss so dearly already, friends that will inevitably last a lifetime and interactions with everyone in and out of class that truly shaped all of us into who we are now. It’s an incredible honour to be the valedictorian of my year and it could not have been achieved without the relentless determination of our teachers to constantly push me to achieve my best. We truly underappreciate the diversity and accepting nature of this school, and to say I will miss it all would be a gargantuan understatement. Thank you for all the memories, lessons and experiences that I will be sure to carry on throughout my life.
Arikhat, Valedictorian
Arikhat, Valedictorian
Byun Wa Joo
I joined Sayfol in Primary 1 and I have continued to study until A Levels. For the past 13...
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Byun Wa Joo
Seoul National University
I joined Sayfol in Primary 1 and I have continued to study until A Levels. For the past 13 years, Sayfol has given me wonderful experiences. It’s been a place to learn and develop. Sayfol has prepared me fully for my next chapter in life, being a student in Seoul National University. I am glad to have studied in an institution that has helped me to reach my goals and I am saying it from the bottom of my heart. The school is really committed in nurturing students and tailors to the needs of individual students. Everyone at Sayfol including the administration staffs are helpful and approachable. I am able to ask for assistance given. In addition, I feel Sayfol will be able to help and bring out the best in its students as long as they are willing to listen and learn. The school has students from all over the world. We are taught to be tolerant and respect one another. As I am able to embrace different cultures, thus I am able to mingle well with all.
Byun Wa Joo
Byun Wa Joo
Seoul National University
Sanjana Maney
Sayfol has always been a home away from home for almost 14 whole years! I still commonly reminisce about my times ...
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Sanjana Maney
Sayfol has always been a home away from home for almost 14 whole years! I still commonly reminisce about my times as a younger and more immature version of myself, wandering the school yards with close bonds with friends that I still take pride in, to this day. The friendly rivalries within my batch of classmates further propelled me to the excellence that I have achieved. This is not to mention the incredible open-armed friendliness that the school emanates, which can be felt by both existing and new coming students! During my time at Sayfol, I felt internal growth in myself, from a person which hid under a shell to somebody who is comfortable and proud to be myself, despite the flaws which others may see. I obviously cannot mention the vast knowledge and technical skills I obtained without mentioning the incredibly industrious teachers, who work extremely hard to make our school life incredibly fun and take most of the burden, that is stress, off our shoulders. It is in Sayfol where I learned the difference between a regular community, and the close-bonded, tear-jerking family, that I had the honor of partaking in; and I totally miss my adventures as a wonderful student in the star institution of my life!
Sanjana Maney
Sanjana Maney
Ku Ji Yen
I loved Biology lessons and my teachers recognised the potential in me very early on. I learnt to think out ...
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Ku Ji Yen
Medical Student
I loved Biology lessons and my teachers recognised the potential in me very early on. I learnt to think out of the box and be diligent. Thank you Sayfol.
Ku Ji Yen
Ku Ji Yen
Medical Student
Piya Raj Sukhani
English literature and the mysterious world of literature gave me the motivation to go ahead and try new things in...
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Piya Raj Sukhani
Student Journalist at UNESCO
English literature and the mysterious world of literature gave me the motivation to go ahead and try new things in my life. I’m studying journalism as part of my course and Sayfol has everything to with what I have become today.
Piya Raj Sukhani
Piya Raj Sukhani
Student Journalist at UNESCO

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