Interested to be part of our Sayfol Community?

At Sayfol, we find pride in our multi-diverse leadership community. With over 35 years of providing a diverse working environment, we have built a community of over 100 qualified academic staff and school officers who are passionate educators. If you have what it takes to nurture each Sayfolian towards a holistic, 21st century education, we want to hear from you.

If you are interested to join us for Academic Year 2024/2025, please EMAIL your Application Form and CV to

Available Vacancies

Academic Positions

There are currently no vacancies for Academic positions

Non-academic Positions

There are currently no vacancies for non-academic position

Internship Opportunities

At Sayfol, we offer internship opportunities to all undergraduate and postgraduate students with firsthand experience, exposing you to a real teaching environment.

This program is ongoing throughout the year, so apply ahead if you intend to have your practicum training with us.

Kindly email your cv to along with your employment application form.

Job Application Form

Job Application Form
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