Primary School

5 – 11 Years Old

Welcome to Primary School

Our dedicated and experienced team of teachers in Primary School prepare our students for the future with a creative and problem-solving approach to learning that creates opportunity every day and inspires young minds. The support our students are given in a happy and wholesome environment fosters their growth as brave and confident learners.

We recognise that ongoing assessment and adjustment are key to improved performance. Our learners are provided with a solid education with a futuristic orientation; open-mindedness and critical thinking are encouraged in all aspects of the teaching and learning process.

The core subjects are taught by the classroom teachers, while Art, Music, ICT, Physical Education and Modern Foreign Languages are taught by teachers specialising in these subjects.

Since our aim is to foster the all-round development of our students, we also offer a broad range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Our CCA and ECA Programmes are designed to give students opportunities to develop particular skills and allow them to explore a diverse range of interests. Activities we offer in Primary School vary each Term, according to the Academic Programme.

Key Stage 1: Year 1 & Year 2

Students between ages 5 – 7 often find themselves learning from first-hand experience and this is the stage where good learning habits and skills are nurtured. We focus on developing independent learners who are not only curious about the world around them but who are also motivated to explore and enquire. We want our children to think beyond the classroom and gain skills for the future.

Key Stage 2: Year 3 to Year 6

For students between ages 7-11, we emphasise developing greater self-reliance in our learners. We encourage them to grow as confident communicators and to be creative, resourceful and inquisitive. Our curriculum incorporates the following subjects:

For students between ages 7-11, we emphasise developing greater self-reliance in our learners. We encourage them to grow as confident communicators and to be creative, resourceful and inquisitive. Our curriculum incorporates the following subjects:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Physical Education
  • Music
  • Art
  • Global Perspectives

Foreign Language

  • French
  • Mandarin
  • Hindi
  • Bahasa Malaysia

Compulsory For Malaysian Students

  • Bahasa Malaysia
  • Local Studies
  • Islamic Studies (Muslim)
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