Guardians of the museum for the day – Primary 3’s in full force!
Having completed our history topic covering the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, it was time to bring it all alive in a very hands on recapitulation at the museum. When the day for the eagerly anticipated field trip finally arrived and the children stood in line ready to board the buses waiting to ferry us there, the excitement was palpable. It was not long however, before the buses pulled up at the museum car park, and the students disembarked and walked in an orderly manner to the main entrance where we all posed for a group photograph.
After paying for our tickets, our Primary Three classes went their separate ways for the tour; 3S and 3A visited galleries A, B, C and D whilst classes 3F and 3Y visited the Orang Asli (aborigines of Malaysia) exhibits.
The students seemed to be most captivated with all the visuals in their respective galleries. They took down notes, drew pictures of what they saw, listened intently to explanations and asked many questions. They saw the skulls of prehistoric men, their tools and weapons, and watched cave life of the early people. They literally went through the timeline of the Stone Age right up to the Iron Age at the museum. They even watched a video on the progress of the then ‘Malaya’ to Malaysia today, with all its modern development.
Mr. Vince explaining and clearing doubts.
The tour finally came to an end and we were taken back to school. Back in their classes, the students waited anxiously and patiently for their lunch. And alas! “Yeah!” they rejoiced in unison. “Our pizzas are here!” The room was a pin-dropped silence as they savored their lunch. Soon after, they sat down to the questionnaire prepared for them for the study tour. One of the students when asked if they had learnt a little more about history answered, “It’s not just a little teacher. It’s a lot that we have learnt.” And yet another remarked, that she was a little disappointed not to see anything of the dinosaurs, their skeletons or fossils at the museum. Above all, our students echoed that it was the most interesting and beneficial trip. They said that they cannot wait to embark on the next field trip!
Contented with the trip and waiting for the return journey.
Signing off with love from the Primary 3 teachers!